
Here are some of the GoAccess' features and the stuff it can do for you…

Functionality at a Glance...

Real-time log analysis through a Dashboard in multiple output formats

goaccess terminal dashboard

A beautiful terminal dashboard

By default, GoAccess outputs to a terminal in real time. GoAccess' dashboard gives you an overview of server metrics by displaying summaries of different reports as panels on a single scrollable view.

goaccess HTML dashboard

Prefer a real-time HTML report than the terminal?

Apart from the terminal output, GoAccess allows you to generate HTML, JSON, or CSV reports. You can even email the HTML file since it is composed of a single file with no external file dependencies, how neat is that! Check out the Live Demo.

goaccess host panel

Spot aggressive hosts/bots

Spotting aggressive crawlers/bots and identifying who's eating your bandwidth is easy with the host panel. It also features the ability to display a list of user agents per each host.

goaccess operating systems panel

Easy to navigate panels

The dashboard is composed of different reports — report panels can be expanded for more information so you can quickly check the correlations between different reports.